Returning Players & Competitive Players (Richmond Munster Royals)

PrintReturning Players & Competitive Players
RMMHA House League Players (U7 to U21)


Players Trying Out for Competitive Teams (Romans, Silver Seven, Cyclones, etc.)

If your child(ren) played in the RMMHA house league in the 2023-2024 season, the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) database contains the record(s) for your child(ren), and you will be able to register your child(ren) online for the upcoming season. 

If your child(ren) is new to hockey this year, please click here for New Player information.
Competitive Players (Tier 1 and Tier 2)
All hockey players in Canada have a designated "home association" based on residence.  For information on the RMMHA boundaries and to check your home association, please click here

Players MUST register ($25 competitive tryout fee) with their home association to be eligible to try out for competitive teams associated with the home association (e.g. Romans, Silver Seven).  Players are not eligible to try out for competitive teams (i.e. associated with teams in Nepean or Central Ottawa) unless they have first tried out for the competitive teams associated with the home association and were not selected.  

Click for more information about Competitive Try Outs with Romans, Silver Seven and Cyclones

House League Bench Staff
Typically, each team has a Head Coach, an Assistant Coach, a Trainer, and a Manager.  Parents who are interested in becoming a coach are invited to read the information about applying for coaching positions here

Trainers and managers are typically selected once teams have been determined at the start of the season. Trainers require up-to-date qualifications.   

** Please note that all bench staff require a PRC and RIS-Activity Leader certification. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar at [email protected]